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Your zodiac - Cancer
Personal and Social Life in 2014

Have you been freaking out over the world economy, or even the local job market? If you have a family, you may find you're especially worried because your situation may go up and down in 2014. One day you seem to be doing well, and the next day an accident necessitates a major expenditure.

Cancers, however, have a way of blowing things all out of proportion, and so what you think is a major disaster may only require a small effort to set straight. So, don't leap to negative conclusions.

The New Moon in Cancer falls on July 19, so if there are going to be any major upheavals in your life - moving, starting a new job, or establishing a new commitment, setting a big personal goal - this is the right time period to do it.

You'll be a lot happier in 2014. No matter how bad things have been, this year will be different. Go with the flow and make the most of the transition. Enjoy the good times, and keep in mind that the bad times won't really be that bad. Things work out for the best when all is said and done.

Has your partner been having problems with his/her job? You have a way of overreacting when things appear to be going wrong, but most of the time it turns out to be no big deal. It might be a good idea for you to ease off your anxieties over this, because your partner has his/her difficulties as well and needs positive energy.

Your partner is more than aware of when you're feeling down. The problem might be that your mate is feeling down as well - you feed off each other's moods. The best way to deal with it? Go out and have a good time!

If you have children you tend to concentrate more on their needs than on your own. Most of the time, this is appropriate, but there are times when you have to put yourself and your partner first. Everyone in the family needs to feel loved and appreciated, and if one makes demands when other family members are hurting, it isn't easy to deal with for anyone. There are times when each of you needs to take care of your own needs before helping another with theirs. - free dating, dating online, dating girls, site for meeting people
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